Mitrata’s Child Sponsors join Leena & Yogesh for “Sponsor Coffees”

While visiting St. Louis, Leena and Yogesh Satyal, the Executive Director and President of the Board of Directors of Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation (BSF) were able to get together with our child sponsors for a cup of coffee while sharing updates on their sponsored children, their progress, and the programs in which they participate in Nepal. As Chair of the Sponsorship Committee, Danny Williger was able to attend most of these “Sponsor Coffees.” Here’s what he had to say about the experience…

“I was fortunate to attend one of the meetings this week and listened as Leena discussed several of the children. It was enlightening, and opened a door to understanding the power of the programs that Mitrata and BSF provide for the children. 

One of the children being discussed was an eight-year-old girl with a family history of extreme abuse, alcoholism and deprivation that most people would find horrifying. The impact on family members has been devastating, and this young girl has been the only family member able to escape the depth of the destruction because of her involvement first with the Contact Center, and more recently at a residential school that is necessary because her home life is unsafe. At the beginning of her educational and personal journey, Leena reported that she has already changed from a sullen child who rarely smiled to a bubbly girl who takes joy in her studies and is earning straight As.

The discussion then turned to two University students, both of whom have been educated and cared for thorough Mitrata’s programs since they were young children. Both of them also came from backgrounds of hardship, deprivation, and poverty. Neither of them would have had the ability to grow and blossom into productive adults with a University education if they had not been in Mitrata’s care.

I was blown away by the contrast in the stories of these kids. I could clearly see the limits, pain and roadblocks evident in the life of a child in the early stages of their education. Then I was presented with the hope and vitality exhibited when they get the things they need to dream of a life better than the one they came from, and have the resources to transform the dream into reality. The echoes of their accomplishments will be felt for generations to come. 

That’s power. That’s caring. That’s beauty. And that’s what Mitrata’s sponsors give to the children we support half a world away. The journey from poverty to possibility is fueled by the dedication and sharing that sponsors provide. We are forever grateful.”

We would also like to say a HUGE thank you to Leena and Yogesh for taking the time to meet with all our sponsors and share individualized updates on each child. We truly could no do this without your drive and dedication.

If you’re interested in becoming a child sponsor, please visit our Sponsorship page: or contact Sponsorship Committee chair Danny Williger at


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